It's All About Jesus!
New Jerusalem Ministries at a Glance

Welcome to our web site!
On this website you'll learn what we do and what we are all about. We will also highlight important areas on our site. Sit back, enjoy, and come back often. This website will be a work in progress.
At New Jerusalem Ministries it is our vision to minister to God's people wherever they may be. As we look around we see a need - that need is to Edify, Exhort and Encourage the Body of Christ.
Through the years God has changed our thoughts on many things. We continue to minister to those who are hurting whether it is one on one ministering, ministering to a congregation, House Church, participating in a Gospel Sing or one of any number of other things God has us doing. It is our desire to lift up Jesus and thereby to Edify, Exhort and Encourage His Church. "It's All About Jesus"